Zabriskie is a specialized bookshop based in Berlin with a focus on sub/cultural and natural phenomena. It is almost like a private library – because the Zabriskies only present books that they value and like. You can find extraordinary things from the fields of underground music and film; utopian ideas and alternative ways of living; small press and artist publications; idleness and slowness; drugs and consciousness; natural history, nature writing, ecology, and sustainability; gardening, self-sufficiency, and DIY; walking, traveling and places; essays on philosophical and social issues; countercultural movements; strange and occult phenomena; fantastic, weird and experimental fiction; German and English. At the Meakusma festival, Zabriskie presents a selection focused on music and sound.
Opening Hours:
Friday – 15:00 – 19:00
Saturday – 15:00 – 19:00
Sunday – 13:00 -16:00