29.08 – 01.09


Floris Vanhoof

(Kraak – BE)

Kraak showcase


Floris Vanhoof (1982) is interested in the hybrid form of music, photography and film.
His first projections, experimental films on 16 millimeter, evolve towards pure visual experiences in which he questions our viewing patterns.
Inspired by structural film and early electronic music he makes audiovisual installations,
expanded cinema performances and music releases.
Vanhoof builds his own instruments to discover the border between image, light and
sound. As media-archeologist, he confronts the digital spoiled audience with flickering 16
mm films and 35mm slide installations, formats doomed to disappear. Purposefully he
choses analog technology due to the greater transparency of the workflow and rich
dynamic range. Regardless of nostalgia he experiments with what used to be hightech.
Vanhoof searches for ways to make new images with old media. He makes his own
translations from sound to image and vise-versa, by connecting one medium on the -not
always compatible- other. He’s especially curious to what his work elicits in the viewer.
How does our perception operates and which new perspectives appear?
Installations were shown in LLS387 Antwerp, SMAK Ghent, Castlefield gallery
Manchester, Vooruit Ghent, Netwerk Alost, Bozar Brussels, Filmfestival Ghent,
Beursschouwburg Brussels, De Centrale Brussels, FOMU Antwerp.
Performances took place in ISSUE Project Room New York, Aural Mexico City, UH
Budapest, Hangar Bicocca Milan, Centre d’art contemporain Dijon, ZKM Zentrum für
Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Internationaal Filmfestival Rotterdam, Flagey
Brussels, Café OTO London, Extracity Antwerp, Witte de With Rotterdam, Kaskcinema
Ghent, International Mystery Los Angeles, The Wulf Los Angeles, Ancienne Belgique
Brussels, Museum of Elsene, KMSKA Antwerp, Les Urbaines Lausanne, Xing Live Arts
Week Bologna, Electrónica en Abril Madrid, Lal Lal Lal Tampere en Helsinki.
In 2015 received the price of the public at the Young Belgian Art Prize



Artist Filter




Curated by Filter

